Can I Perform Oral Sex After Lip Filler Injections?

Congratulations! You just invested in the pillowy pout of your dreams with lip filler injections at The Med Spa in Woodbury, MN! Ladies, we understand your excitement, your increase of self-confidence, and your readiness to see what these babies can do for you—and him. 👄 Your new lips look great. What better time to get busy, right? WAIT A MINUTE!

Imagine waking up after getting intimate after a lip filler treatment only to find that your newly filled lips are gone and… deflated!!!

Your injector didn’t fail you. You didn’t get a bad batch of filler. No, queen… your eagerness to please is the culprit! If you’re curious whether or not you can perform oral sex after lip filler injections, the short answer is NO. Read on to learn all about it!

What Are Lip Fillers Made Of?

Most lip fillers are made of Hyaluronic Acid (HA). Clear in color to the eye, HA makes an ideal lip filler because it is a moisture magnet. Strong enough to hold 1,000 times its weight in water, HA functions as a humectant and holds water molecules against the skin. HA gives your lips gorgeous volume, structure, and definition—and hydration.

To the touch, HA feels similar to a watered-down gel so it keeps a similar consistency as our natural lips. Our bodies will slowly absorb it over the following months making it safe, FDA-approved, and easy to maintain. Keep in mind, the length of how long lip fillers last varies from person to person.

Achieving optimum long-term results requires some discipline on the client’s end because the gel-like filler is malleable and can easily move until it settles in. With that being said, keep your hands off your face (and his waist) and avoid any activities that put pressure on your lips.

How Long Should I Wait To Give Oral Sex after Lip Filler Injections?  

Just like we do not want you sucking on a cigarette, cigar, or straw, you should avoid oral sex for the first 3 to 5 days after lip injections. You’ve got to protect your investment! So, your love interest better learn how to be patient so they can love your lip fillers too. 😏

The first few days after treatment are very important because the filler is still “settling.” The filler is trying to stay exactly where our fantastic injectors at The Med Spa in Woodbury have artfully placed them. After a few days, the filler will set and be ready to go! 

Prior to your treatment, one of our highly skilled staff members will walk you through the pre-treatment process, the injecting process, and any other after-care instructions.

What Happens If I Do Get Intimate After Injections?

If you apply any sort of intense pressure, friction, or back-and-forth motion to newly injected lip fillers, you may force the newly placed filler to travel outside of its intended boundaries. When lip fillers slide outside the pink lip region or areas where your injector intended them to sit, you may end up with “duck face” or “trout pout.” 🦆

These activities may also deflate your lip filler volume or even cause it to form tiny lumps along your lipline. Also, after injections, you’re prone to swelling. Any activities that raise your heart rate may increase swelling! If you deflate and dissolve your filler, we have to start over, giving us all something to really pout about. 😢

Where to Get Sexy Lip Fillers in Woodbury, MN

Our team of expert lip injectors is waiting to help you get the lips of your dreams. Book an appointment and we’ll be happy to answer ANY questions you have—risque or not! We pride ourselves on transparent communication and helping our patients feel 100% comfortable. 

Don’t forget, with new lips, 👄 comes great responsibility! If you take care of your lip fillers, you, your wallet, your injector, and your man will be far more pleased in the long run!



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