Aesthetic treatments aren’t just for the ladies anymore, . More and more men are turning to cosmetic services, but not always for the same reasons as women. While men certainly want to look younger, one of the biggest reasons guys get cosmetic services is to make their facial features look more sculpted and masculine.

What manly facial features do you wish you could have? We’ll discuss which treatments at the Med Spa in Woodbury can make it happen!

Most Sought-After Masculine Facial Features

It’s easy to determine whether a man’s face looks “manly.” The masculine looks of Brad Pitt, Chris Hemsworth, and Idris Elba aren’t hard to miss, but what is it about them that makes them look so manly?

Male facial features are often stronger, more defined, and larger in general, but there are certain facial features that create that signature, sought-after, chiseled appearance. Let’s talk about them!

Sculpted Jawline

A strong jaw… the pinnacle of a manly face. A large jaw is certainly masculine, but more than size, it’s also about definition. Visible angles and pronounced lines make a large jaw look even more manly. 

Prominent Chin

Tiny, pointed chins are often associated with feminine facial features. That’s why a larger chin is automatically considered masculine. Often, a double chin creates the appearance of a chin that’s smaller than it actually is. Again, however, a large chin is just the beginning – a sculpted chin is even more manly. 

Chiseled Cheekbones

High cheekbones are sometimes associated with the angles of feminine beauty. On men, however, if cheeks are a bit chunky and pinchable, the face can have an overall childlike appearance, and that isn’t super manly, is it? Masculine cheekbones like Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron are prominent, defined, and chiseled. 

Strong, Angular Nose 

Ladies often want their strong noses reduced to look more feminine. It goes without saying, then, that a small, unassuming nose on a man can be viewed as feminine. A larger nose on a man exudes strength and rough masculinity. 

Heavy Brow

Sure, men’s eyebrows tend to be bushier and more unruly than women’s, but it’s about more than hair when it comes to a masculine brow. First, on a traditional male face, the eyebrows are closer to the eyes and have less of an arch. Men also tend to have a heavier ridge on the brow that’s perceived as more masculine.

Top 5 Male Aesthetic Treatments in Woodbury, MN

Look More Masculine: Top Aesthetic Treatments for Men

Feeling self-conscious about not having one or more of those masculine facial features? Don’t worry – there are some simple, non-surgical, non-invasive aesthetic treatments that can give you the manly look you’ve always wanted.

Dermal Fillers for Jawline Definition

Want to correct a jawline that’s too soft? Dermal fillers can help. When injected into the mandible area, not only do fillers add volume to the jaw, but they can also be expertly injected in order to create definition for a more chiseled look.

Get a More Pronounced Chin and Cheekbones with Fillers

Fillers can also address areas like the chin and cheeks in men when they’re too small or under-defined. Injections along the cheekbones can fill them out and create definition. Fillers in the chin can add some structure and size to the chin area.

Masculine Brow Definition with Neurotoxins

Want a mysterious, masculine brow? Botox and other neurotoxins could help. This injectable is known to eliminate wrinkles by relaxing muscles, which smooths out creases and lines. When injected into the male brow, it actually relaxes the brow muscle and pushes the eyebrows lower, creating a more masculine appearance.

Eliminate a Double Chin with Kybella®

A pronounced chin can often be created with fillers, but sometimes the problem is that a double chin is drowning out an otherwise strong, masculine chin. That’s where Kybella – or “mesotherapy” – can work some magic. This amazing injectable works to eliminate fat, and when used on a double chin, often creates the appearance of a larger, more sculpted chin.

Want to Finally Get that Masculine, Chiseled Look in Woodbury, MN?

Tired of not having the chiseled, sculpted look you’ve always envied in those manly-looking celebrities? It’s your time to shine! If you’re ready to take the plunge into the aesthetic treatments that create more masculine-looking facial features, Woodbury Med Spa is ready to help. Call us today or schedule an appointment and we’ll discuss your options for a treatment plan that will help you meet your cosmetic goals.



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