Laser hair removal is used to minimize hair growth by at least 70%. 6 treatments every 6 weeks for best results! Treatment areas include; Lasers have been used for many years for a variety of medical procedures, including hair removal. Many patients seek out laser hair removal for aesthetic purposes, while others are looking for medical benefits to avoid future ingrown hairs and unsightly razor bumps. Men and women alike can benefit from the incredible benefits of laser hair removal.

• Back • Legs • Arms • Bikini • Lip • Chin • Ears • Fingers • Toes •

  • The average patient needs six or more treatments to ensure the best results possible. This final number depends on the density of your hair and growth cycles. Initial treatments are spaced apart 6-8 weeks. After that, yearly appointments can help refresh optimal results.

  • For hair reduction or removal, Rohrer Spectrum lasers penetrate the hair follicle with light energy, destroying it at its root while keeping the surrounding skin safe. Rohrer Spectrum technologies deliver unmatched performance in removing unwanted hair for all skin types.

  • Laser hair removal treatmetns are comfortable for most patients. After, you may experience a sunburn-type sensation or slight redness for several hours but there is zero downtime. It will take a few treatment sessions to begin seeing results.



IPL, or intense pulsed light, is a type of light therapy used to treat wrinkles and repair skin tissue. It can help minimize or even remove age spots, sun damage, birthmarks, varicose veins, rosacea, freckles, and broken blood vessels. IPL Photorejuvenation is a way to restore skin and regain your confidence.



Regret a tattoo? No problem. We can help you get rid of unwanted ink. The Med Spa’s effective and high-tech lasers can safely and efficiently remove tattoos.


The Erbium laser procedure resurfaces the skin for a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance. This treatment is effective in treating superficial to moderately deep lines and wrinkles, as well as acne, and other scars, rosacea, enlarged pores, and uneven skin texture and pigmentation for all skin types. Commonly treated areas include the face, hands, neck, and chest.



The Hollywood Facial is administered in two parts. First a carbon mask is applied. Then a laser is used to take off a very fine layer of dead cells, which rejuvenates and exfoliates the skin. Laser energy literally explodes the microscopic carbon particles left by the mask.


Come in and let’s chat. Laser technology is evolving year over year and our staff is trained with the latest technologies and techniques. Learn about what lasers can do for you.